Sunday, February 20, 2011

3 Ways To Use Computer Time More Effectively

For the past decade, most of us have spent more and more of our workday in front of a computer. Handling email, writing documents or on the web, whatever the time of day we can be found typing into our PCs or smartphones.

If we're going to spend hours every day at a screen, there are things we can do to make that time more effective. But first, let's work out what we're actually doing. Keep a PC activity log every day for a typical week.

Do this with a pencil and paper, just write down when every task begins and ends, or use an automated time tracking application like Qlockwork for Windows to do it for you.

Look at the log. There are the 3 simple ways PC time can be used more effectively.

1. Delegate or drop
We all spend time on computer tasks we don't really need to do. For each regular task, would the world end if we didn't do it? If the world would indeed end, could we delegate or outsource it?

We know delegation is a powerful tool. It can be painful up front but if we start delegating more of our responsibilities it can be the most effective way to free up time.

2. Don't let email drive you
Don't run your inbox or let your inbox run you. Email is a reactive task, not one that generally helps us achieve longterm goals.

Turn off email arrival notifiers. No more sounds. No more pop-ups. Review email at set times of the day like first & last thing. Don't prioritize email above everything else and complete a genuinely important task before opening your inbox. Good email clients like Microsoft Outlook will let you turn your notifiers off.

3. Avoid interruptions
Stopping and starting on tasks is more destructive than we think. Studies show that jobs can take 30% longer if they aren't finished in one go. When we pick a task up, ideally we shouldn't put it down until it's finished.

Easier said? Email is a great replacement for phone calls because emails don't have to interrupt you. Unfortunately, we often let them interrupt anyway. Turn off notifiers and only review emails at set times.

Got an office door? Close it sometimes and unplug the internet connection or even work at home for some tasks if there are fewer distractions there. There are times when this won't be possible but we should look for times when it is.

To summarize, if we want more hours in the day we need track our time and find out where it goes. Delegate or drop, control emails, give ourselves quality time to focus on key responsibilities. That should mean PC time is better spent.


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