Many people go online everyday and do their banking and other important things online. Most of the time they never give a thought to the fact that a computer hacker is waiting to steal their information. While it's true some people are paranoid about doing such things online the majority of people don't really worry about it or really don't know that their information can be stolen in a heartbeat. Most of the time this happens because your computer has a virus.
These viruses can come from web surfing, email and other places. This is why people running windows computers need to understand a little bit about computer security. It really doesn't take much to understand and protect yourself from malicious people trying to steal your information. One of the best and most easiest things you can do is get some anti virus software to help protect your computer. Once you obtains such software then you will need to enable the real time guard that comes with it. Many people do not do this because it can slow down your computer.
However if you are things online such as banking, its a good idea to enable it. Also make sure the auto update feature is turned on. This way it will download the updates for you. You can set it to download updates at night while you are sleeping. Just make sure you leave your computer on one night a week to do this. Last you will want to make sure you run a full virus scan at least once a week. Again. You can turn this feature in to run at night. If you use your computer more often then you should run it a little more often. Many people do not realize they web today is filled with spy ware and malware which can also download viruses to your computer.
This is why it is important to do the above to make sure you get rid of everything. If you have a cable or dsl internet connection then you may want to consider a firewall or router with a firewall. A firewall can help keep you protected from the outside world of the internet and make your computer invisible on the net. You will also want to regularly clean out your computer with a program like ccleaner. Just type in ccleaner in Google to find the website. This is a free program that will help you clean up your computer and all the junk it gets over time. Keeping yourself and your computer protected is important with today’s internet. If you take a little time to learn more about it. You can keep your private information private and never worry about identity theft.
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These viruses can come from web surfing, email and other places. This is why people running windows computers need to understand a little bit about computer security. It really doesn't take much to understand and protect yourself from malicious people trying to steal your information. One of the best and most easiest things you can do is get some anti virus software to help protect your computer. Once you obtains such software then you will need to enable the real time guard that comes with it. Many people do not do this because it can slow down your computer.
However if you are things online such as banking, its a good idea to enable it. Also make sure the auto update feature is turned on. This way it will download the updates for you. You can set it to download updates at night while you are sleeping. Just make sure you leave your computer on one night a week to do this. Last you will want to make sure you run a full virus scan at least once a week. Again. You can turn this feature in to run at night. If you use your computer more often then you should run it a little more often. Many people do not realize they web today is filled with spy ware and malware which can also download viruses to your computer.
This is why it is important to do the above to make sure you get rid of everything. If you have a cable or dsl internet connection then you may want to consider a firewall or router with a firewall. A firewall can help keep you protected from the outside world of the internet and make your computer invisible on the net. You will also want to regularly clean out your computer with a program like ccleaner. Just type in ccleaner in Google to find the website. This is a free program that will help you clean up your computer and all the junk it gets over time. Keeping yourself and your computer protected is important with today’s internet. If you take a little time to learn more about it. You can keep your private information private and never worry about identity theft.
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