Both of these operating systems were released in 2009, and have created quite a stir in the computer realm regarding which is a better piece of software. Windows went through a more dramatic change, with a nice visual upgrade from Windows Vista. Mac Snow Leopard basically tweaked some already existing items that were present in Leopard, instead of reinventing a totally new interface. We will discuss different aspects of the software, including look, user friendliness, services, performance, and functionality.
Windows and Mac software have traditionally had completely different looks, but Windows 7 and Snow Leopard do have a more similar look. However, the Mac software still beats out Windows on the sleekness factor. In regards to performance, both systems claim a faster experience when using the products, but are both accurate? Apple even states that you will save up to 7 GB of memory by purchasing the upgrade. One thing to note, however, is that Windows 7 a much larger amount of memory to be able to run. Windows 7 requires 16 GB of memory (for a 32 bit system), whereas Snow Leopard only requires 5 GB. Users trying both systems out would definitely notice the speed difference between Safari and Internet Explorer 8, and would also notice a faster boot time with Snow Leopard. Windows 7 also boasts faster boot, sleep, and awake times, however.
One of the most bizarre differences between the software is the Snow Leopard now supports Microsoft Exchange, whereas Windows 7 does not (yes, I typed that correctly). Both systems also boast media software upgrades, with Snow Leopard getting a major revamping of Quick Time X. Quick Time now has faster playback, supports live streaming, and can easily capture video and send it to the web. Windows 7 also revamped is media player, which now allows users to send music to external devices connected to the same network, like an Xbox 360.
A great addition to Windows software is Windows Touch. This incorporates touch screen technology into it's computers, but most people upgrading will not be able to use this functionality, since their hardware will not be compatible. Max OS already has touch technology, and has not changed in the Snow Leopard software.
In conclusion, there are some key features that Apple clearly has bested Windows once again. The most obvious is price. Upgrading to Snow Leopard is only $29.00, but upgrading to Windows 7 is $119.00. So which is a better OS? That is the million dollar question. It is all in the eyes of the beholder. Many people will like the new and improved look of Windows 7, but many will still stay loyal to their current love. Snow Leopard does not seem like a completely new OS, but Windows does have a nice feel to it. Take a look at both and see what you think!
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